Northwest of City
相馬御風 作詞 東儀鉄笛 作曲
Lyrics by Gyofu SOMA, Composition by Tetteki TOGI
一、都の西北 早稲田の森に
Northwest of City great and fair, In the wood of Waseda,
聳ゆる甍は われらが母校
Rise proudly high up in the air Our old college dome and tower.
われらが日ごろの 抱負を知るや
Our high-aspiring, cherished plan, Fond ambitions, know ye not?
進取の精神 学の独立
The torch of Progress in the van, Glaring fire of freest thought;
現世を忘れぬ 久遠の理想
The infinite Eternal Aim, Careful, too, of present need.
かがやくわれらが 行手を見よや
How brightly onward, at its name, See our steady ranks proceed!
わせだ わせだ わせだ わせだ
Waseda, Waseda, Waseda, Waseda,
わせだ わせだ わせだ
Waseda, Waseda, Waseda
二、東西古今の 文化のうしほ
From east and west, from age to age, All tides of civilization
一つに渦巻く 大島国の
In one huge whirlpool ever surge Round this great island Nation.
大なる使命を 担ひて立てる
Whose lofty mission are we not Carrying on our shoulders strong,
われらが行手は 窮り知らず
Through hardships of the vast untrod, Endless as we march along?
やがても久遠の 理想の影は
Yet soon our hoped Eternal Goal May its gleaming shadow cast
あまねく天下に 輝き布かん
And with its all-embracing soul Illumine the World at last!
わせだ わせだ わせだ わせだ
Waseda, Waseda, Waseda, Waseda,
わせだ わせだ わせだ
Waseda, Waseda, Waseda

三、あれ見よかしこの 常磐の森は
And look on yonder wooded hill Decked with evergreen, for there
心のふるさと われらが母校
We have our home for heart and will, School, with kind maternal care!
集り散じて 人は変れど
Her students change from year to year, Meet and part with youth's delight,
仰ぐは同じき 理想の光
Yet all alike we seek to share These ideals and their light.
いざ声そろへて 空もとどろに
Come, let us sing in all accord, And with raptures ring the air,
われらが母校の 名をばたたへん
To praise the honored name aloud of our Alma Mater dear!
わせだ わせだ わせだ わせだ
Waseda, Waseda, Waseda, Waseda,
わせだ わせだ わせだ
Waseda, Waseda, Waseda