Wednesday, January 23, 2008


First snow in Tokyo, this morning. Not too much, actually, but enough to see this Ultraman clone riding his small ultrabike in 戸山公園.


  1. Hi Ultraman?

    I'm stopping by to say hi and to thank you for the beautiful pictures...

    I also just got an email only minutes ago from a Japanese, ex-student of mine telling me that it snowed in Tokyo today. So when I saw your post, I just had to call in :-)

    Enjoy Japan! One day, I hope to go there. Lucy

  2. ohayo gozaimasu dear max - mmm - dear Lucy looks Lovely and pretty - tis nice!!! i dont know who ultraman is really. sometimes in lessons little boys turn into ultraman and the wildest hit, kick and rip things. they didnt do it though. ultraman did. when i still watched tv i tried to find that cartoon but i couldnt. i imagine he is like superman?
    for me the young boy on his bike looks in a hurry, well balanced, dedicated to his plan for today, kakkoii-ly fashioned and he shall have a story to tell when he reaches his destination. i wonder if he'll use a bicycle lock? and if it's a combination type or key in chain or seperate old fashioned padlock...if i could ask him one question - it would be - how did it feel?
